智力竞赛碗学术竞赛 w在这里 team members have an opportunity compete against other local middle school teams.
Our diverse array of clubs and activities provide opportunities to explore your passions, 培养领导能力, 服务社会, 尽情享受吧. 你是否有兴趣加入学生会, 参加stem俱乐部, or unleashing your artistic talents in our various arts and music programs, 这里有适合每个人的东西. 加入我们,让你的才华熠熠生辉!
智力竞赛碗学术竞赛 w在这里 team members have an opportunity compete against other local middle school teams.
This organization promotes student growth and development through diversity academics, 社区外展. This organization will provide an opportunity for all students to celebrate black culture, 生活方式, 和历史.
The 国际象棋俱乐部 gives students an opportunity to play a friendly game of chess against their peers in a low-stress environment. 所有技能水平的学生都被邀请参加. If a student does not know how to play chess but would like to learn, 其他成员会很乐意教授游戏的基本原理.
交流俱乐部 provides students in all grade levels the opportunity to collaborate, 球场, 并为AHN的各种社交媒体平台制作内容. Students also have access to AHN’s Innovation Lab and the WAHN Panther Vision studio, 哪个直播早上的公告.
Drama Club is a place for all students to explore theatre and the various aspects that go into play production, 包括, 布景设计与施工, 服装, 道具, 化妆, 以及促销工具和策略. Club members also play an integral role in facilitating the production process for both the fall show and spring musical. Members also have the opportunity to participate in a variety of drama games and exercises to encourage creativity and build an ensemble among the group.
Members promote environmental awareness by sponsoring related activities and fundraisers. The club is responsible for organizing the school’s recycling program.
This student government organization consists of delegates from each grade level. Members represent the student body and address concerns using the democratic process. 学生通过学习获得宝贵的领导和决策技能
他们的参与. Student Council sponsors and organizes events and activities to promote school spirit at Holy Names. This highly active group conducts numerous fundraisers to support its efforts.
《AG体育官网》是中学的文艺期刊. 所有中学生都可以参加. 职员们在春天出版刊物.
Interscholastic sports promote the values of sportspersonship and physical fitness which are held in high esteem at Holy Names. The school fields interscholastic teams in the following sports: golf, 足球, 游泳, 越野, 排球, 篮球, 室内外跑道, 网球, 垒球, 啦啦队, 和长曲棍球. 欢迎所有学生参加. 圣名是殖民地委员会和第11节的成员.
慈善少妇会 is the student arm of the Ladies of Charity, 致力于为不幸的人服务的全国性组织.
智力竞赛碗学术竞赛. 该队的成员与当地其他高中比赛.
Members work to increase awareness and acceptance of mental health issues. The club organizes events and activities to promote positive mental health for our school community.
This student government organization consists of delegates from each grade level. Members represent the student body and address concerns using the democratic process. 学生通过学习获得宝贵的领导和决策技能 他们的参与. Student Council sponsors and organizes events and activities to promote school spirit at Holy Names. This highly active group conducts numerous fundraisers to support its efforts.
这是中学本学年的记录, and gives students a chance to showcase their creativity through design and photo selection.
Students participate in rehearsed trials to learn about the legal system and compete against other schools to demonstrate their skills.
多元文化俱乐部 fosters awareness and appreciation of human diversity within all cultures. The club sponsors activities designed to educate others about the unique cultural differences that exist in our school and in the broader community. 俱乐部欢迎各阶层的会员.
同事领导在建立关系方面受过训练, 解决冲突, 同行的中介, 沟通技巧. 他们定期会面以发展技能, 讨论问题, 并计划活动,以支持积极的学校氛围.
配置文件 is the 高中’s yearbook produced by a staff limited to members, the senior class. The staff relies primarily on donations in the form of advertisements to produce the book.
A fun opportunity for middle school students to explore puzzles of all kinds!
红十字会是当地红十字会的延伸. 因此, 除了培训和领导力发展的机会, members have the ability to choose mission-related activities that address the community’s needs, 同时提供红十字会的救生服务. Members plan and implement projects that can save hundreds of lives from blood drives to disaster preparedness education.
Students who enjoy skiing or snowboarding may participate in 滑雪俱乐部. Experience is not a requirement; lessons are available for beginners.
《AG体育平台》是一本文学/艺术杂志. 它是开放给所有的高中生. 职员们在春天出版年刊. It is composed of pieces of writing and art from students and faculty.
SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) is focused on empowering teens and providing the tools they need to become leaders and role models who live healthy, 安全, 以及无物质的生活. Although SADD’s main focus is on traffic 安全ty (drinking/using drugs/texting and driving, 安全带的使用), we are also committed to raising awareness of other teen issues such as substance abuse, 抑郁症, 自杀, 和欺凌. SADD is also committed to giving back to the community through a variety of service projects.
Students lend their singing, dancing, and acting talents to the production of the musical. 所有学生都被邀请参加试镜. 最近的作品包括 杨柳里的风,与我在圣. 路易, 任何事情都可能发生, 灰姑娘, 音乐之声, 盛大的歌唱之夜, 旋律萦绕, 俄克拉何马州!《AG体育官网》《AG体育官网》《AG体育平台》《AG体育平台》.
这个俱乐部致力于培养对一切游戏的热爱, 从桌面游戏到桌面游戏, 对电子游戏. Students of all skill levels can join 游戏王座 and students can participate in all activities. 我们专注于娱乐,
building teamwork, and problem-solving while playing various types of games.